We all know how the media can build up a person one day then tear them down the next. The 2008 Presidential race is no exception. With the hot spot light beaming down on the South Carolina primaries, we see the media serving as broker of the Black vote, specifically Black women. I have never to date seen such an emphasis on that voting demographic, nor have I seen such pressure placed on their ballots by the media. Black women can never be split between gender and race because the two are intertwined. From the minute my African foremothers stepped on this shore we were political , social and economical commodities for the exploiting. A woman of color may try but if they are honest they can never separate the two.
From CNN to NBC, special reports have been centered on Black women voters in South Carolina... stating that Black women voters are split ... either to vote on gender versus voting on race. Democratic analyst Jehmu Greene stated in the CNN report that "In the African American community, there is a perception that race trumps gender." Green went on to add she believes "black women will stick with Hillary" , basing her analysis on gender and experience. The NBC spot focused on the campaign managers from both camps, with semi-candid blurbs from voters. Now, is the media attempting a swing? Remember the "Cinderfella" moment they placed on Obama after the IOWA win... pretty much telling New Hampshire how they were going to vote. Perhaps, the NH voters didn't like their voting being counted before they were being cast and decided to flip it. Better yet, did they idea of her being an underdog against a "wonder kid" seemed unfair? We will never know for certain. What we can say is that the demographics Obama does better with (younger adults & college professors) were blocked out due to vacation and the date move up of the primary. Rather than explore that ... the media cried "race must have been the factor!" ... "Women came out for Hillary!" Why in NH and not in IOWA as well? Hmmm... the spin is getting faster. Well, I for one am not split.
I am not voting for Clinton because:
A) I am not going to waste my time pointing out that the 35 years of experience that she has recently narrowed down to 16 years mainly consisted of being 1st lady in the state house of Arkansas and the White House.
B) The civil rights work she did was noble and let's not forget the work she did with Marian Wright Edelman and the Children's Defense Fund...the work she dismantled when President Clinton issued the "Welfare Reform Bill" in to law. No wait ...that was her husband not her...yet she claims his years as her own ...right. Her mentor, Marian Wright Edelman was quoted as saying “His signature on this pernicious bill makes a mockery of his pledge not to hurt children.” (http://www.democracynow.org/2007/7/24/childrens_defense_funds_marian_wright_edelman)
C) Universal Health Care- The problem I have is the savings I will have in the form of a tax credit! How is that going to benefit working class/ low income families? We have to wait until tax time to reap the benefit? With the rising cost of food , gas and utilities most people (regardless of race , gender or income) need to see the savings on their paycheck... not once a year at tax time. The insurance companies will be able to accrue interest on our premiums. Can working families afford to lend money to corporations.
NOW, why I am not voting for Clinton as a WOMAN
A) I have neither heard nor read where Clinton has given acknowledgement to Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY), Republican Elizabeth Dole, and Democrat Carol Moseley Braun, or Congresswomen Shirley Chisholm (D-NY) Chisholm’s strong primary showing won her 152 delegate votes or five percent of the delegate votes cast at the Democratic National Convention—an unprecedented historic victory for women. Were their candidacies’ fairytales?
Lastly, why as a BLACK WOMAN I will not vote for Clinton:
Why would a candidate, specifically a woman ,feel that an endorsement from someone whose cable channel served as a showcase to the world of derogatory videos and after dark soft porn hip hop videos that devalued the images of women ... mainly Afr Amr & Latino women. If Edwards or Obama had Johnson as a spokesman for them, all those female congresswomen would be all over them... rightfully so. Is it lack of awareness about Afr Amr women? Does she not know that Bob Johnson is not held in highest esteem amongst African Americans?
Nuf Said... what are your thoughts?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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