Dictionary.com defines trust as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. A simple, straight forward definition right? Not so when asked in terms of affairs of the hearts. When the average individual is asked, the definition takes on a wanes and ebbs; taking a more personalized annotation. Quite of the question respond with multi-layered questions of what ifs, just supposes, or what abouts; peppered with prerequisites that make the question more complex that the above definition would suggest.
It is quite interesting that in the dating sphere, sometimes trust weakens as affections intensify. Shouldn’t your trust expand, the closer you and your mi amour get? You can cite case after case of friends, male & female alike that have gotten got. Of course, you can reflect within and count at least once if not multiple times when trusts was violated and surmise that people just can’t be trusted and put a wall up… trust is just too damn expensive. It can wreck havoc on your mind, body & spirit, not to mention finances or public reputation. Just suppose for a moment that in actuality you have decided not trust “yourself”. Your lesser judgment has led you astray one too many times, so rather than forgiving your heart (or other parts of yourself) you transpose the self blame to fault finding missions every chance you get. Could it be misdiagnosed inferiority complex?
Can the brokenhearted find the courage to reinvest trust within the confines of their own mind and spirits? Will reciprocity of love & trust yield the dividends you reluctantly desire? Can you allow the nakedness of self to answer back to you and trust in what it says? Or will you continue to play games in the dark with lost hearts; always reaching yet never holding? Only touching but never feeling; learning but never truly knowing. Intimacy with self, lead by faith will reveal truth… and it will be beautiful.
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